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Japanese Tea Garden - March 2015

Japanese Tea Garden - March 2015

Right next door to the San Antonio Botanical Gardens and the Zoo lies a secluded area that is the Japanese Tea Garden. The colder spring weather seemed to have an effect on the overall vegetation, since the overall atmosphere felt dormant.

The Garden

The small trail of staircases and bridges overlook a shallow pond (seriously, it's probably 3 feet deep), and much of its architecture is layered stones:


The Plants

The flowers were not abundant during my visit, but the long-lasting aloe plants had carved inscriptions that must have been from many anniversaries ago:

Most of the photos were taken with the OLYMPUS E-500, and the plants were taken with the OLYMPUS SZ-10.

San Antonio Botanical Garden - June 2015

San Antonio Botanical Garden - June 2015

San Antonio Zoo - March 2015

San Antonio Zoo - March 2015